Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Public Option - The Road to Serfdom

It can't be put any more simply: If the public option were to pass, we all become serfs. We would be forced into a position as supplicants to the government for our health care. That's assuming that they're even able to keep the promises to provide all with the health care we need (which is extremely doubtful).

I'd sooner give them the business end of a gun before I beg them for health care.

I know that the majority of my posts here deal with the public option in one fashion or another, and I understand the risk of sounding like a johnny one-note. But I believe this to be the fight of our lifetimes. If the public option passes, all is lost. That is why the liberals/socialists are also fighting just as hard on the other side. They understand what's at stake here.

It appears that with each passing day, more Americans are waking up to the idea of what a catastrophe the public option would be. This is encouraging.

It seems that over the weekend, the Obama Administration was waiving the white flag on the public option, only to backtrack after the left-wing of thier party revolted. Maybe walking away from the public option was a very public (and otherwise incompetent) trial balloon. So we haven't won yet. We need to just keep giving voice to the truth.

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